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Nevada DOT Announces Online Truck Stop And Parking Guide


This week, the Nevada Department of Transportation announced the launch of an online truck stop and rest area parking guide, complete with maps to help assist truck and RV drivers locate the nearest parking facilities.

The maps include the locations of truck stops and rest ares located along Interstates 15 and 80, with U.S. 93 and 95 coming soon.

In addition to listing the location, the map also includes information on the facility including the number of truck parking spots, wether or not diesel fuel, food, restroom and showers are available.

The maps, along with other trucking information, can be found by visiting the Nevada Department of Transportation and clicking on the truck icon located on the right side of the page.

“Our drivers transport 94 percent of the goods we rely on in Nevada,” said Paul Enos, CEO of the Nevada Trucking Association. “As they’re on the road, it’s important for them to have information about where they can stop to fuel, rest or park for any weather-related road closures or delays. It makes their trip safer and more efficient, and keeps the roads safer for everyone.”

“We build and support the transportation systems that move people and goods; that’s what we do,” NDOT Director Rudy Malfabon explained. “We know that, every year, trucks travel nearly two billion miles in Nevada. And, we know these maps will help make those miles traveled more efficient, safe and quicker not just for truck drivers, but for the motorists and commerce of the state.”

According to the Arizona Department of Transportation, in 2011, 110 million tons of goods were transported through Nevada and goods transported by truck accounted for more than $12.5 billion in sales.

“The freight plan evaluates the state’s freight network, from highway, rail and air cargo to pipelines, and identifies ways to support their growth and performance to promote economic development,” the Nevada Department of Transportation states.

Follow this link to the truck parking maps.



This Week in Trucking
