I recently tried a product called Nunn | All Day. Nuun claims to be an excellent soda substitute – although, I’m not sure I’d go as far as to say that these tablets can truly take to place of soda, it’s a much healthier alternative.
Nuun is a tablet which contains a multitude of vitamins and minerals, and comes in a variety of flavors (including Tangerine Lime, Grapefruit Orange, Blueberry Pomegranate, and Grape Raspberry). It’s designed to dissolve in 16oz. of water, to hydrate, energize, and to help promote focus. The idea is to fight fatigue with hydration and nourishment. Nuun contains no sugar, and is under 8 calories per tablet.
Quick Tip
These tablets are a great idea, however – although they’re flavored, Nuun tablets DO have a bit of a multi-vitamin caplet taste to them. – It’s a little off-putting, BUT I found the perfect solution! Just squeeze in a little fresh lemon to sweeten your drink! – Adding lemon (or another citrus fruit of choice) won’t take away the uuber-healthy qualities of the Nuun tablets!
Nuun Tablets Contain: