1 C
New York

San Francisco Bay Bridge To Close For Labor Day Weekend


Labor Day weekend is one of the busiest travel holidays of the year, however Caltrans says traffic on Labor Day weekend is historically low on the San Francisco Bay Bridge making it the perfect time to close for repairs.

Over the holiday weekend, crews will be working on the West Span of the San Francisco Bay Bridge.  The Bay Bridge will be closed to the original East Span. “Work will be done at the east (Oakland Touchdown) and west (Yerba Buena Island Transition Structure) ends of the new bridge to connect it to the existing Toll Plaza and Yerba Buena Island, respectively,” Caltrans states.

Crews will be paving, stripping, replacing light fixtures, cleaning and painting the cables, repairing finger joints and other essential construction activities.

The work being done over the holiday weekend will be the final step before the new bridge is open to traffic.

Following the safe rerouting of traffic to the new East Span, the original East Span will be demolished; that process will take approximately three years.

The Bay Bridge Will Close 8 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 28 and will Reopen with New East Span 5 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 3

 Bay Bridge Closure

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