Ration your supplies. Be sure to conserve food and drink. Ration what you have to keep yourself stable for as long as you think it could take for help to arrive. One thing to consider is the expansion of fluids as they melt. It may be in your best interest to drink a little off the top of any beverages that you do have – this will prevent them from expanding so much that they crack or break their containers. In desperate situations, snow can be consumed to keep you hydrated – however keep in mind that snow can lower your body temperature, and may contain contaminants.
Remain calm. Don’t escape or abandon the truck unless it’s absolutely necessary. If help isn’t available, you’re safe, and dry – stay where you are. If you’re wet, and you can’t get the engine to start there is a chance your wet clothes could freeze – at that point you’ll have to weigh sitting and risking hypothermia with trying to get help and facing the same risk.
Try to get the attention of anyone coming your way. If help isn’t on their way you’ll want to use anything you can to get the attention of someone on the road, flash your lights or wave a jacket try to get the attention of anyone passing through. They may be able to call for help, or give you a warm place to sit while you assess the situation at hand.
Try to maintain your sanity. If you’re not it a situation where you can call for help or flag down a passerby, there’s a chance you’ll be there for a day or more. As time passes, it becomes harder to stay rational in a situation like that. Read anything you can – like a driver’s manual to keep your wits about you, and to remain as composed as possible.