South Carolina Bridge Repair And Replacement List Released

Today, the South Carolina Department of Transportation is seeking the comments from the public regarding the 2013 Act 98 Special Bridge Replacement Program.  Under the program, $53 million has been allotted for the repair or replacement of 90 of the state’s bridges.

According to SCDOT the 90 bridges span 33 counties throughout the state.  The list of proposed bridges can be reviewed by following this link.

“Under the program, only load-restricted and closed bridges will be replaced,” SCDOT stated.

The funds will be distributed to the state’s seven engineering departments and will be allotted based on the percentage of the types of bridges in the district.

The main focus will be on bridges that can be replaced using existing alignment “using pre-cast voided box bridges with minimal work.” The list of bridges can be reviewed by following this link. 

A copy of this press release and a link to the 2013 Act 98 Special Bridge Replacement Program document, which lists the selected bridges by county in the respective Engineering District with location maps, are available for public review and comment on the web at:






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