The St. Christopher Fund has extended the deadline for submitting applications for the TBS Factoring Service Trade School Scholarship to March 1.
The $10,000 scholarship will be awarded to a former professional truck driver who is no longer able to drive professionally due to medical problems.
To apply for the scholarship, follow this link to the St. Christopher Fund official page.
The SCF Board of Directors will oversee the scholarship and allocate the scholarship to the trade school of the chosen applicants choice upon confirmation of enrollment. The scholarship winner will be announced at the Mid American Trucking Show on March 22.
This scholarship program was made possible by a $10,000 grant from TBS Factoring Service, LLC, of Oklahoma City, a family business providing flexible cash flow solutions to independent truckers.
The St. Christopher Fund was founded in late 2007 as a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit organization. The SCFs mission is to provide assistance to professional truck drivers whose medical problems have led to financial hardship.
Find out more about the St. Christopher Scholarship for Truck Drivers here.