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New York

Stephen King’s Trucking Thriller: ‘Trucks’


If you’re into horror novels or movies, Stephen King’s short story entitled, “Trucks” (found in his “Night Shift” short story compilation) might just be for you. This 1970’s thriller takes place at a truck stop in Lunar, and involves a group of strangers (including the narrator, a trucker, a gas station attendant, a salesman, a young man, and his girlfriend) who are the only survivors left after a gruesome onslaught of vehicular homicides.

This is where it gets interesting – it’s quickly realized that there is nobody driving the trucks and other large vehicles that are slaughtering the humans. – They are controlled by an unknown force.

The group of strangers take refuge in the truck stop convenience store until the power goes out, and the trucks begin making demands…

Purchase the paperback for under $8 or download it to your Kindle or Kindle Reading App!

‘Trucks’ was also adapted into a film in 1992!


This Week in Trucking
