-5.3 C
New York

Traffic Congestion Costs Truck Drivers $27 Billion A Year


Traffic Congestion Cost
Photo Credit: UMI

According to a recent report by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), traffic congestion costs billions of dollars a year in wasted time and fuel.

The annual report, entitled Urban Mobility Report (UMR), revealed that traffic congestion costs the trucking industry $27 billion worth was wasted time and diesel fuel.  According to the study, every hour a truck spends waiting in traffic costs $86.81.

“We all understand that trips take longer in rush hour, but for really important appointments, we have to allow increasingly more time to ensure an on-time arrival,” says  Bill Eisele, a TTIresearcher and report co-author.  “As bad as traffic jams are, it’s even more frustrating that you can’t depend on traffic jams being consistent from day-to-day. This unreliable travel is costly for commuters and truck drivers moving goods.”

Though the list of most congested cities vary from year to year, big cities routinely top the list. This year’s most congested cities are:

  1. Washington, D.C.
  2.  Los Angeles
  3. San Francisco-Oakland
  4. New York-Newark
  5.  Boston.
  6.  Houston
  7. Atlanta
  8. Chicago
  9. Philadelphia
  10. Seattle

According to the report, 2.9 billion gallons of fuel was wasted last year in traffic, and the total financial cost of congestion in 2011 was $121 billion The study estimates that if traffic congestion problems aren’t addressed by 2020, the cost of congestion will reach $199 billion.





This Week in Trucking
