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New York

Truck Driver Blames GPS For Bridge Strike


Truck Driver GPSJust two days after the FMCSA issued recommendations about truck driver GPS units, a truck driver says his GPS is responsible for his crash into a low overpass.

The driver, Amarjargal Jambaanyandag, 52, of Illinois, was traveling along Saw Mill River Parkway in Yonkers, New York when his truck became wedged under an overpass.  He said he was following directions from his GPS unit.

“He told our officers that this was his first trip to New York state and that he was using a GPS device,” Westchester County police spokesman Kieran O’Leary said.

Furthermore, “Trucks are not permitted on Westchester County parkways,” Lohud reported.

Jambaanyandag received  citations for having a restricted and over-height vehicle on the parkway and for failure to obey a traffic control device.

It is unknown whether the GPS unit was designed for trucks or cars.

The incident occurred on Tuesday morning and backed up traffic for house.




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