By: Buck Black- Trucker TherapyÂ
Everyone is Having Fun, But You
Its springtime! After such a harsh winter, I have yet to talk with anyone who is not highly appreciative of the warmer weather. Be sure to enjoy this warmer weather and get out of your truck as much as possible.
Now, here is the downside to the warmer weather.  Unfortunately, I frequently hear drivers tell me how depressing it is to pull up to a travel plaza and see campers, boats, and vans full of families who are clearly on vacation.  This often brings up vivid memories of the good ole days.  Some drivers are able to take time off and join in the fun. However, as you know, many drivers cannot afford to take time off at all.
If you are in the situation where you are unable to take time off, be careful of your thinking.  If you find yourself dwelling on how you wish you and your family can go on vacation, watch out.  You need to take action.  Either you will need to take some time off to enjoy the pleasures of summer, or you will need to find a way to focus on thoughts that are more pleasant.
Tips to enjoy the warm weather
•    Walk outside whenever you get the chance
•    If you have a camping grill, use it outside!
•    Keep a fishing pole in your truck (and use it in the state(s) where
you have a fishing license)
•    If you can afford some home time, go for it!
•    Distract yourself with positive podcasts (free!) or audio books
•    Don’t be afraid to talk about your frustrations
•    Make a goal to have some fun this summer.  Its important to have
something to look forward to.
Please let me know what helps you to de-stress! Tweet me: @TruckerTherapy