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C.R. England Applies For CDL Standards Exemption


The FMCSA has requested comments on C.R. England, Inc.’s application for exemption from the FMCSA’s Federal minimum training requirements in 49 CFR 383.25(a)(1), which requires that a commercial learner’s permit (CLP) holder must always be accompanied by a commercial driver’s licensed holder with the proper CDL class and endorsements.  Additionally, the rule requires that the CDL holder/driver trainer be seated in the front seat and on-duty while the CLP driver is behind-the-wheel.


According to the FMCSA’s Federal Register Notice, C.R. England has a partnership with and provides training for Premier Truck Driving Schools in five locations: Burns Harbor, Indiana; Dallas, Texas; Fontana, California; Richmond, Indiana and Salt Lake City, Utah.

“C.R. England seeks exemption from 49 CFR 383.25(a)(1) that would allow CDL holders who have successfully passed a CDL skills test, and are thus eligible to receive a CDL, to drive a truck without a CDL holder being present.  This would allow a CDL holder to participate in a revenue-producing trip back to his or her domiciled state to obtain the CDL document, as the CDL can only be issued by the state of domicile.” the Federal Register states.

In its request, C.R. England cited the growing need for well-trained, and well-qualified drivers to meet today’s shipping demands.

“Granting the exemption would allow the CLP holder to drive as part of a team on that trip, resulting in reduced costs and increased productivity,” the Federal Register states.

The Federal Register states that C.R. England believes that 49 CFR 383.25(a)(1) hinders its ability to recruit, train and employ new drivers.

The exemption would only apply to C.R. England drivers who have passed the CDL skills test and who hold a CLP.

“The only difference between a CLP holder who has passed the CDL skills test and a CDL holder is that the latter has waited in line at the DMV and has received the hard copy CDL,” the Federal Register Notice states.

The FMCSA is seeking public comment on the request for exemption.  Comments must be submitted by December 29, 2014.

Follow this link to to the Federal Register Notice. 

[gview file=”http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2014-11-28/pdf/2014-28072.pdf”]



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