A Texas company has agreed to pay the California Air Resource Board $418,500 for violating the state’s air pollution laws when the company supplied illegal windshield washer fluid to retailers throughout the state.
FleetPride distributed de-icing windshield washer fluid that contained smog-causing chemicals that are illegal in California. “In most cases, the products contained concentrations of volatile organic compounds exceeding 25 percent, an upper limit for this type of product under a state consumer products regulation. Windshield washer fluid with a VOC content of 25 percent is allowed for sale only in the more mountainous areas of California that routinely experience freezing temperatures in winter,” CARB said in a press release.
The penalty for violation is based on the amount of excess VOC’s that are emitted from the product. In the case of FleetPride, the windshield washer fluid emanated an estimated 31 tons of VOCs.
“It is important that the composition of windshield washer fluid meets ARB’s VOC limits established for the region where it is sold,” said Jim Ryden, ARB’s enforcement chief. “Our goal is to protect public health.”
During the investigation into the windshield washer fluid, CARB found that FleetPride was distributing several windshield washer products that violated the state’s threshold. The windshield washer fluid was sold by the gallon, and 55-gallon drums were sold to truck stops. Krystal Kleer Windshield Washer Fluid 0 Degree Fahrenheit was the product that was sold in many truck stops.
The windshield washer fluid was sold in the state for approximately three years. FleetPride later willing disclosed other noncompliant products.