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New York

Cedar Rapids Garbage Collection Has Gone to the Dogs


New automated garbage trucks were created to make trash collection easier and faster.

In Cedar Rapids, Michigan they are running into an issues that is actually causing extra work and time wasted.

When people put their trash bins to close together and the driver has to continuously stop, get out of the truck and move the trash bins so the truck can work properly.

There needs to be 3 feet of space around each bin in order for the automated truck to be able to pick them up and empty them.

The city has made several attempts to get the message out to residents with no success.

So when all else fails get people’s attention by using a puppy. That’s what the City of Cedar Rapids is hoping will get their message to stick.

They are using “Lucy”, the Basset Hound, as their mascot. Basset Hound’s are typically 3 feet long. The perfect amount of space the trash bins need for everything to work on garbage day.

“Who can ignore a basset hound,” asked Megan Murphy, Utilities Communication Coordinator. “We had a basset hound growing up and it’s still the cutest dog ever,” she said.

The city is planning to make a video using an animated basset hound they’ll be calling “Lucy.” The dog will stand between the carts.

Officials also say the carts need to be placed far enough away from mailboxes or other obstacles in the yard in order for the trucks to work.

Source: KWWL.com

Our question for all of your working in the trucking industry is what are your thoughts on things becoming more automated? In this case is it nice to have a truck that is able to help you do your job or does it make you nervous about less job opportunities since the trucks can do some of the work on their own?



This Week in Trucking
