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Construction Alert: Lane Closures Planned For I-5, I-90 In Seattle


Drivers who will be passing through the Seattle, Washington area this weekend need to be aware of some planned lane closures.

According to the Washington State Department of Transportation, workers will begin replacing worn bridge expansion joints on Interstate 5 through downtown Seattle this weekend.

Crews will close all but one lane of northbound I-5 collector-distributor, which runs parallel to the roadway between I-90 and Madison Street.  “The collector-distributor helps merge traffic from I-90 to I-5 and connect with downtown off- and on-ramps,” Washington State Department of Transportation states.

In addition to the closures, several large conventions and event safe planned for the upcoming weekend.

“Drivers will need to plan their trips in advance and expect significant delays,” Washington State Department of Transportation states.

“We can’t stress how important drivers are to making these weekend closures successful,” said WSDOT project engineer Aleta Borschowa. “Traffic keeps moving if folks pitch in to adjust their schedules, take alternate routes, carpool or use public transportation.”

Closure details:

10 p.m. on Friday, March 7 through 5 a.m. on Monday, March 10:

The South Dearborn Street on-ramp to northbound I-5 will be closed. Drivers will follow a signed detour. All other ramps will remain open.
All lanes and ramps on the northbound I-5 collector-distributor will be closed to move construction barriers:
o 11:59 p.m. Friday – 4 a.m. Saturday
o 11:59 p.m. Sunday – 4 a.m. Monday
Tools for drivers

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Nearly 50 years of constant traffic has weakened the steel expansion joints connecting the concrete spans that make up the interstate. Replacing these joints provides a smoother ride and improves safety by preventing emergency lane closures caused by pieces of failing metal joints popping out of the highway.

This is the fifth of nine weekend closures to replace two dozen worse-for-wear expansion joints on I-5 near the I-90 interchange. For more information, please visit the project website: www.wsdot.wa.gov/Projects/I5/SeattleBridgeRepair/


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