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New York

Driver Fined After Logging Truck Collides With Train


A truck driver from Sidney, MA., has been fined $311 dollars for failing to obey a railroad warning after a train in Livermore Falls collided with his logging truck, spilling heavy logs all over a busy road Wednesday afternoon.

23-year-old Jeremy Tilson was headed down Route 17 when a Pan Am Railways train struck the truck he was driving at a railroad crossing. The truck turned over in its side, dumping out its load and closing down Main Street for several hours.

A resident who heard a loud screech ran to the site of the accident and helped open the cab door. Tilson was taken to a local hospital by ambulance and then released with minor injuries.

Tilson told police he didn’t hear the warning or see the train before his truck crossed the railroad. The southbound-headed train was carrying 46 cars and on its way from Jay to Portland.

SF Gate

This Week in Trucking
