Pam Harp, is a known sufferer of bipolar disorder. Three years ago, on February 21st (2011) – she found herself at an all time low, due to a particularly stressful life situation.
That day, she left her house – in search of a busy roadway and planned to commit suicide. She chose U.S. 60 – east of Springfield, Missouri and pulled over to the side of the roadway. Harp had written a suicide note and placed it in her bible (at the 23rd Psalm). Three cars stopped to check on her, but she didn’t hesitate. Harp had been waiting for an eighteen wheeler, and it had finally come.
She stepped out in front of it, but the watchful driver saw her. He swerved, missing her with his tractor. Though he tried to save her, she was still struck by a portion of the trailer, which threw her to the side of the road.
She broke her hands, an ankle, and injured her hip – but she was alive.
Harp is thankful to be alive, and is now putting out the message to potential suicide victims to get help.
Good work driver, you saved a life!
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