FHWA Announces Third Truck Size and Weight Webinar

MAP-21 requires the USDOT to address the issue of increasing truck size and weight.

The issue of increasing truck size and weight has been an hot topic among states and special interesest groups.  While many fear that increasing truck size and weight will further damage the nation’s already crumbling infrastructure, other groups argue that the more cargo a truck can haul, the less trips will have to be made.

The USDOT is required to “to conduct a Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Limits Study (MAP-21 §32801) addressing differences in safety risks, infrastructure impacts, and the effect on levels of enforcement between trucks operating at or within federal truck size and weight (TSW) limits and trucks legally operating in excess of federal limits; comparing and contrasting the potential safety and infrastructure impacts of alternative configurations (including configurations that exceed current federal TSW limits) to the current Federal TSW law and regulations; and, estimating the effects of freight diversion due to these alternative configurations,” before the department can make a recommendation to congress on whether or not truck size and weight limits should be increased.

The Federal Highway Administration will be holding a Compilation and Study of Truck Size and Wight Limits public input session on My 6, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., Eastern time.  This will be the third public outreach session the department has conducted. The session will be held as a webinar and will be recorded.

The DOT’s deadline for providing a final report to Congress is November, 2014.


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