On January 23, 2014, the FMCSA revoked the operating authority of Sergio Tristian Maldonado, DBA Tristian Transfer, domiciled in Nuevo Laredo, Tijuana, Mexico.
According to an FMCSA document, the order comes after a December 20, 2013, “Notice of Conditional Rating and Order of Proposed Revocation Order.”
The December 20, order required Tristian Transfer to present evidence of necessary corrective action to the FMCSA no later than January 19, 2014.
Tristian Transfer failed to abide by the terms of the notice, so the FMCSA has taken the next step in keeping the carrier of U.S. roadways.
To read more about this, follow this link to The Trucker.
[document url=”http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/documents/intl-programs/trucking/Tristan-Revocation-23-Jan-2014-508.pdf”]