Truck driver health has been a hot topic in the industry over the past few years, and for due reason. The nature of trucking lends itself to unhealthy food options and lack of exercise. But it doesn’t have to be this way!
At The Healthy Trucker , we provide realistic advice on how to live a happier, healthier life as a truck driver. With a focus on overall trucker wellness, we offer in-cab truck driver exercise ideas, healthy recipes that are easy to prepare on the road, and we secrets to share for getting the most out of every paycheck. Being “healthy” has different meanings for different people, but every truck driver has room to be “healthier” in some area of life. No matter what your fitness level or goals might be, you WILL find FREE valuable, useful information at
How Do I Get Started?
The question we get most often at Healthy Trucker is, “how do I get started?” Many truck drivers recognize that they need to get healthier, but most are unsure exactly how to go about it. We’re here to provide the “road map” so to speak and one of the ways we do so is through our Fit & Fueled project.
So, what is Fit & Fueled? Simply put, it’s a collection of our best resources that are presented over a period of time to help truck drivers live happier and healthier. Each week, we’ll send a few tips and tricks to help you stay on course throughout the journey to becoming a healthier trucker. Truck drivers face obstacles that few others really understand. We get it and our Fit and Fueled project will show you how to overcome things such as limited time, space and resources. In fact, we will turn the tables to use these things to your advantage.
Just take a moment to think about it – as a trucker, your health is your livelihood! If you aren’t well, you aren’t driving. If you aren’t driving, you aren’t making money. Protect your CDL and your health by getting Fit and Fueled. Start getting our FREE tips and advice on trucker health today!