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New York

Infographic: Save Lives, Don’t Text and Drive


April is national Distracted Driving Awareness Month.

This year, the Department of Transportation launched its first-ever national campaign aimed at getting drivers to hang up and drive and preaching the dangers of distracted diving.

Drivers, everyday you see motorists text, checking their email, checking Facebook or taking pictures while driving. The culture of distracted driving is not only prolific, it’s very dangerous. According to a study by the Washington Times and the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, distracted driving is more dangerous than drunk driving. In fact, the study revealed that distracted driving is SIX times more dangerous than driving while intoxicated.

According to the info graphic by Katherman Briggs and Greenberg, at any given time, 666,000 drivers in the U.S. are driving while distracted. Put the phone away. Don’t text and drive.

Take a look at the infogrpahic. The facts speak for themselves.

Distracted Drivers: The Dangers of Texting & Driving [Infographic]
Infographic by Katherman Briggs & Greenberg

This Week in Trucking
