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New York

Missouri Governor Urges MoDOT to Analyze Use of Tolls on I-70


Missouri Governor Jay Nixon is making a push to toll Interstate 70 in Missouri.

This week, he sent a letter to the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission Chairperson Stephen Miller, urging the commission to study options for tolling I70 to “improve and expand I-70 and free up resources for road and bridge projects around the state.”

Governor Nixon states that “A strong transportation system is critical to Missouri’s economic competitiveness, but Missouri’s transportation funding is approaching a critical juncture.”

He urges the Commission to analyze the use of tolls to address the state’s pressing infrastructure needs by expanding, improving, and repairing  I-70, as well freeing up resources for road and bridge projects throughout the state.

A similar proposal was made in 2012.  That toll proposal called for a $30 toll for vehicles traveled I-70 from Kansas City to St. Louis.

The 2012 proposal from MoDOT said that a private firm would rebuild 200 miles of I-70 and collect the tolls.  The proposal quoted a $.10 to $.15 per mile toll, with trucks paying two to three times more!

[gview file=”https://governor.mo.gov/sites/default/files/transportation_2014_12_09_18_13_37_654.pdf”]


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