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New York

Network of Truck Drivers’ Wives Help Reunite Driver with Other Drivers Who Saved His Life


Miracles Do Happen

By: Heidi O.- Truckers Wives 

On March 18, 2014, I received the following nessage on my page, Truckers Wives, from a wife whose husband had been involved in an accident a few days prior.

I hope you can post this message for me…

This past Thursday, March 13th, my husband’s truck rolled down a hill on I-80 in Dubois, Pennsylvania near mile marker 101, when the occupant of a 4- wheeler on the side of the road stepped out of his car, into the travel lane.  My husband had to swerve to avoid hitting this guy (that man did not get hit, by the way).  

Unbelievably and thankfully, my husband survived this wreck! (His first accident EVER in a 20+ year long career). 

I know it’s a long shot, but I wanted to get a message out to the multiple truck drivers that stopped and  pulled my husband out the windshield to safety, stayed with him until the paramedics arrived– one driver even gave him his jacket!

This incident could have had a much worse outcome if not for their involvement and compassion! Although it’s probably a long shot that the message will get to the angels who were there, I want to send my eternal gratitude and love to them!! (And wives, I know I don’t need to tell you this, but hug your trucker a little longer when you see him. It’s scary out there!!)

This wife’s story hit me because she wasn’t looking for handouts or money or prayers, really, SHE was looking for the first responders so her and her husband could say simply, “Thanks!”

The message from Lori was heart wrenching, because when I looked at the pictures and read what had happened, I realized that it could have been my husband and I out there, or one of any number of the Truckers Wives or their husbands I have had the pleasure of meeting. Lori’s husband, Mark, had to swerve to avoid hitting an occupant of a passenger vehicle who had stepped out into the traffic lane, and upon swerving, ended up in an accident himself.

The person who stepped into the traffic lane was not hurt, but Mark was beyond hurt. This was also his first accident in a 20 year driving career.

Here are where the miracles come in. The first miracle is that Mark survived this ordeal! He was pretty beaten up and even upon leaving the hospital, he ended up back in ICU the next day for a week.  Mark required 7 more months of treatment.

So, I posted the pictures of the accident for Lori and asked for some help in locating the first responders of Mark’s accident, and this is where the second miracle comes in. They have found 5 of the first responders because of all of our help!

I would like to acknowledge each and every one of the responders and tell them all we wish then A Great Big Thank You From the Entire Trucking Community for Helping a Fellow Driver!!!

These responders are: Brent, OTR truck driver; Paul H , OTR truck driver; Paul O, OTR truck driver; Stevan, local truck driver and Joey, EMT.

It is men like these that make this entire world a better place!

And if two miracles were not enough, Lori and Mark are blessed with not just one more, but two. Their third miracle is that the insurance company has determined that this accident was NOT Mark’s fault.

Lastly, and the best miracle of all, is that Mark is now doing well and will be returning to the open road again soon!

In closing, I would just like to say thank you to Lori and Mark for allowing me to share their story and for the feeling of joy I now get knowing we ALL helped them find their “Highway Angels.”



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