Home New Driver Questions Prospective Sponsored Training-CDL Students Should Ask

Questions Prospective Sponsored Training-CDL Students Should Ask

Question to Ask your driver recruiter


So you are new to trucking, below are some questions you may want to consider asking trucking companies who sponsor training opportunities.  Keep your questions open ended as much as possible to gain a thorough understanding of what to expect. Some questions to consider are the following;

  1. What are the financing requirements for my training?
  2. Can your send me an overview of the financing requirements?
  3. What funds will I need up front (if any) before starting school?
  4. Will you provide me a study guide to get my permit?
  5. How long does it take to get my CDL and training diploma?
  6. What endorsements will you prepare me for?
  7. Will I receive my diploma after training?
  8. Where is the training facility?
  9. What is the instructor student ratio?
  10. Will I receive travel assistance to the facility?
  11. Will I be provided meals and lodging during my training?
  12. What type of trucks will I use during training?
  13. Will I learn on a standard transmission?
  14. How many students do you assign to each truck during training?
  15. Will I learn to back and road skills with a 53 foot trailer?
  16. Will the trailer I use be loaded or empty?
  17. How do you prepare new drivers for unfavorable weather conditions?
  18. Do you use any assimilators to train with?
  19. How long is the training to get my CDL?
  20. How are you meeting licensing / physical requirements set by FMCSA?
  21. Will I receive any pay during school?
  22. Once I finish the school, how long will it be before I can receive my CDL?
  23. Once I finish school, how long will I have to ride with a trainer or mentor?
  24. Does the trainer of driver finisher have a specific guide to follow?
  25. Will I receive a copy of the training guidelines they are supposed to follow?
  26. While I expect the trainer or driver finisher to evaluate me, do I also evaluate the trainer or driver finisher?
  27. What will I be earning while I am with the trainer or driver finisher?
  28. What will my pay be once I am released from my trainer or driver finisher?
  29. What is the hours I can expect to driver per day during the first two weeks?
  30. How many hours a day should I expect to driver after two weeks?
  31. How much emphasis will the trainer or drive finisher put on backing?
  32. Will the trainer or driver finisher focus on post trip / pre trip inspections?
  33. If paid for my own training, how does the reimbursement plan work?
  34. What will my rate of pay be once I am released from my trainer or driver finisher?
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