Eating out every meal can get quite expensive. Many drivers have taken a lot of steps to make their cab feel a lot more like home and with that even making some home cooked meals.
In this post we look at some different refrigeration options for your truck. When purchasing a fridge for your vehicle it is important to remember a couple important factors that will effect your every day life:
[permalink id=””]Koolatron 33 qt. Kargo Kooler [/permalink]
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[permalink id=””]12V 48-Can Voyager Cooler [/permalink]
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[permalink id=””]Norcold Inc. Refrigerators DC-0040 DC Refrigerator [/permalink]
$792 + $60 (shipping)
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[permalink id=””]43 Qt Portable Compact Refrigerator Freezer – EdgeStar [/permalink]