This year’s Roadcheck 2014, scheduled between June 3rd through June 5th 2014, is the largest targeted enforcement campaign on trucks and buses. Â
Each year, more than 1,000 trucks and buses are inspected each hour, for a 72-hour time period for a total of about 73,000 commercial trucks and busses inspected in Canada and Mexico.
Approximately 10,000 CVSA – certified local, state and provincial and federal inspectors at 1,500 locations across America will perform the truck and bus inspections.
Here’s some facts about what happened last year during the 2013 Roadcheck:
– Of the Level 1 inspections, about 24%, one in five vehicles, were found with Out-of-Service (OOS) violations
– About 50% of vehicle OOS violations were related to brake adjustment issues
– Cargo securement-related violations represented 11.7% of all violations
– 899 seat belt violations issued
Each year Lockton, a leading risk management advisor for transportation firms, offers drivers tips to keep their vehicles operating safely in this report.
Some of the tips to keep assist in keeping with regulations are as follows:
– Ensure  your maintenance vendors are qualified to perform work on your equipment and can meet the requirements found in part 396 of the FMCSR
– Focus on brake system maintenance during scheduled maintenance periods
– Know what to do if a defect is found
Following some of these guidelines can help avoid costly fees. Recently, CDL Life wrote about the 2014 Roadcheck and some drivers choose to take time off during this time and avoid the Roadcheck and risk of fees altogether. Others say that if your truck is in order than there is nothing to worry about.