A series of four numbers is tasked with protecting your money, and a frightening number of Americans are using the same 20 codes!
Research released from DataGenetics analyzed 3.4 million PINs and found that nearly 27% of people are using the same codes.
Personal Identification Numbers or PINs are intended to be a unique series of numbers, however, people frequently choose a series of numbers that are easy to memorize.
According to DataGenetics, the most common PIN is 1234. Other common PINs are 0001, 0002, 1111, 2222.
DataGenetics also reported that an alarming number of PINs begin with 19, because people often choose to use their birth year or anniversary. Avoid using full-year dates: 1972, 2003, etc.
MyBankTracker has these tips for choosing a secure PIN.
Follow this link to view the entire DataGenetics list of the 20 Worst PINs.