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New York

Truck Driver Unknowingly Hauls $650K in Marijuana


News9.com – Oklahoma City, OK – News, Weather, Video and Sports |

According to Oklahoma’s News9, a truck driver unknowingly transported 115 pounds of marijuana.

On Sunday night Canadian County authorities were patrolling the TA truck stop at Morgan Road and I-40, when they reportedly smelled marijuana coming from one of the cars on the truck’s trailer.

Deputies asked the truck driver if they could search the 2013 Chevy Impala.

Inside the car, deputies found 115 pounds of marijuana worth $650,000 hidden away.

The car hauler was transporting the Impala from Los Angeles to Tennessee.

“They’ll contract with a car hauling company just to haul to another location. These truck drivers don’t even really know what they are hauling,”  Undersheriff  Chris West told News9.

Authorities did not arrest the truck driver.





This Week in Trucking
