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New York

Truck Driving Program Gives Single Mom Second Chance


When Melinda Bass, a single mother of 3, noticed a Victoria College Truck Driving Program advertisement – her life changed.

She had been in and out of women’s shelters, escaped an abusive relationship, and working hard at a number of minimum wage jobs. Try as she might, she just couldn’t make ends meet. Shortly after seeing the ad, she asked a former student and made the effort to seek out a little information about the program. Once she did, she realized the possibilities that her life had in store!

Melinda began her journey by contacting Workforce Solutions Golden Crescent and talking with a helpful representative who told her an uplifting story of another woman who had completed the course and was able to purchase her first home.

Although she was intimidated at first, Melinda enrolled in the course, and was immediately put at ease by her instructors.

She was able to seek tuition assistance from Workforce Investment Act, support her 17-27 year old children, complete the 7-week course, and achieve the goals she had set for herself!

Last month she passed the CDL Driving Exam on her first attempt!

According to Melinda, “The instructors (at Victoria College) are experienced, patient, and they make the material easy to comprehend. I showed up every day and got along well with my classmates. I would recommend this program to anyone.”

Since then, she’s received a HazMat endorsement and completed a safety training course required by oil rig locations to earn a ‘Rig Pass Homeland Security Card.’

She plans to help her family, buy her Harley back, and eventually own some land!

Melinda says, “What I’d tell other women living in shelters is that options exist, they can do this, help is out there. You just have to have the right mindset.”

Congratulations, Melinda – and good luck on your journey!


Victoria Advocate

Victoria College

This Week in Trucking
