-2.7 C
New York

Truckers’ Night Before Christmas


By: Heidi O.


‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

And out on the roads

Not a 4-wheeler to be seen

Just big trucks and their loads

Roll on you flatbeds

Bringing in Christmas trees

The reefers are running

And filled to capacity.

Next those dry vans are following

And stuffed up with toys

And along come the car haulers

Bringing gifts for the big girls and boys.

Don’t forget about those tankers

Filled to the brim with sugar and flour

And don’t forget those RGNs

Bringing baking equipment in at this late hour

All these trucks will roll on

And roll on they all say

It don’t matter about the weather

Or if it’s a holiday

A job needs done

To keep smiles on faces

Of children and adults

No matter their ages or races.

So roll on is what these truckers do

To make all these others smile

Thank each and every one of them

For going that extra mile.


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