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Video: 5-Foot Alligator Keeping Watch At Flooded Louisiana Truck Stop


Several rounds of storms and heavy rains have flooded many ares of southern Louisiana. The National Weather Service reports that some areas saw as much as 7 to 10 inches of rain.

St. James Golden Grove truck stop’s parking lot has been swallowed up by a nearby canal, and now a 5ft. alligator has taken up residence in truck stop’s parking lot.

On Wednesday, Bill Capo was at the truck stop and shot this video.

Capo told WWLTV that the he “kept his distance” from the 5-foot gator, saying he didn’t know if the gator was hungry.

Employees at Golden Grove truck stop said they typically “a few small gators” in the canal, but with the flooding, a lot more are in the water.

This Week in Trucking
