Many social media experts are predicting Google+ to explode this year.
What is Google+? The answer is what isn’t Google+. Google+ is the most advanced social media site on the Web.
Google+ offers everything you love about Facebook and then some. Google+ truly puts you in the social media driver’s seat. Unlike Facebook, you can control who sees your posts or status updates.
For example, if your boss is your friend on Facebook, you might hesitate before posting about how crappy your job is. Google+ allows you to create circles, or selected groups of people, so if you want to vent about your crappy job, just don’t do it in your work circle.
Create circles for co-workers, family, friends, acquaintances, etc. The possibilities are endless.
In addition, Google+ integrates with YouTube, Flickr, gmail and more.
Check out CDLLife’s Google+ page.
Google+ App
Do you use the Facebook app? How do you like it? I personally hate the Facebook app. My feed is always totally random, I miss my friend’s posts…I just hate it. It crashes all the time.
Going from Facebook’s app to the Google+ app is going from a 1978 Chevy to a 2014 Cadillac.
The Google+ app is smooth, clean and beautiful. The app doesn’t lag, the feed flows beautifully, and pictures scroll right in the feed.
Google+ Reviews:
Far Superior to Stagnant Facebook
by Lopez.Ufarte:
Google+ is superior to Facebook in a number of fundental ways. At the basic, pragmatic level, the Google+ app is far speedier, prettier and more polished than Facebook’s equivalent. The phenomenal iPad version of Google+ simply blows the pathetic Facebook app out of the water without so much as breaking a sweat. The Google+ ‘circles’ model of social interaction is also much better for targeted communications than Facebook’s antiquated ‘friends’ approach. Google+ integration with other Google services also makes it a superior option for using the social platform more seamlessly as one navigates the web and feels the desire to share with others.
Google+ has also avoided to a large degree the ‘in your face’ commercialization that Facebook has experienced over the last couple of years. This is probably a byproduct of Google’s myriad of revenue streams, freeing up the social platform from unseemly advertisement intrusion. Let’s hope Google keeps it that way!
So, once derided as a late, halfhearted effort to keep pace with the Facebook juggernaut, Google+ has now gone well beyond what its rapidly aging competitor has to offer. Ignore Google+ and you’ll miss out on the superior social platform and on one of the finest apps available for your mobile device. Kudos to Google for thinking out of the box!
The world’s fastest-growing social network, bar none
by KennyStrawn177
One thing that people don’t get about Google+ — and I’ve seen examples of this from my fellow worshippers — is that it is indeed the fastest-growing social network in terms of additions of numbers of users per month of all time. It took Google+ just months to reach 100 million users, a feat which took at least 3 years for Facebook, Twitter, and even MySpace respectively.
As of late October when Google unveiled some new Google+ features at a keynote it had, Vic Gundotra announced that Google+ had 540 million users who use Google+ at least once a month. That number, of course, continues to climb, and at that rate, I’m sure it’s over 600M by now, and growing fast. That easily makes it the #2 social network in the world right now, more popular than Twitter, more popular than Instagram, and more popular than just about everything except Facebook. That really says something to those people who call Google+ a “ghost town”…