These days, road rage is far too common, and it seems that everyone has a short fuse, but the important thing to remember is that you never know what the other person is going to do and what types of weapons they may have. We’ve reported several incidents of road rage over the past couple of years, and we’ve reported a couple of road rage incidents were a driver was seriously injured.
This road rage incident occurred at the intersection of U.S. 19 and Tarpon Avenue in Tarpon Springs, Florida on Friday morning.
Apparently the car driver believed the truck driver attempted to run him off the road. When the angry car driver and the truck driver stopped at a light, the car driver approached the truck driver.
As the truck driver opened the door, the car driver sandwiched him in the door and began yelling at the truck driver.
Should you find yourself in a road rage situation, try not to engage in the other driver’s antics. Back off of the driver. Do not stop and do not get out of your vehicle. If the driver won’t leave you alone, call the police and let them handle the situation. People are crazy! You never know what could happen.
Source: My Fox Tampa Bay – Fox 13
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