0.5 C
New York

5 Of This Winter’s Most Destructive Pileups — Ranked


Icy roads, poor visibility, speeding, and silenced CB radios have all been blamed for the massive multi-vehicle pileups that we’ve seen this winter. Now that winter has done it’s worst, see which pileups did the most damage — and be glad that spring weather is (hopefully) here to stay for awhile.

5. I-190 Near Buffalo (November 22, 2014)

50 vehicles were involved in this pileup accident in New York. Motorists involved in the pileup say that toll-tellers failed to inform them about the crash, so they had no warning.


4. Schuylkill Expressway, Philidelphia (January 18, 2015)

This fatal pileup involved 60 vehicles. PennDOT attributed this pileup to “flash freezing”.


3. I-80 Near Cheyenne (April 20, 2015)

This accident came only days after another series of pileups shut down I-80. 64 vehicles were involved in this pileup. Many veteran drivers say that if CB radios had been used, this accident might have been much less devastating.

2. I-90 Near Erie (February 14, 2015) 

A heavy snowstorm contributed to a series of chain-reaction crashes that claimed 107 vehicles.

1. I-94 Near Galesburg (January 9, 2015)

This massive 193 vehicle pileup was even worse because one of the trucks involved was carrying fireworks, which exploded and destroyed several vehicles. One witness called the scene a “war zone”.

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