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6 Things That Need To Change NOW In The Trucking Industry


Trucking is changing more quickly today than it ever has before. New regulations, new technology, new agencies, and new policies are changing the face of trucking almost every day.

However, there are some things that aren’t changing that really should. Here are six things that need to change in the trucking industry — the sooner the better.

1. Hour of Service regulations. You hear stories about truck drivers falling asleep behind the wheel almost every week. You hear drivers complaining about how the HOS regulations force them to drive fatigued. Why doesn’t the FMCSA actually listen to the people who have to live with their rules to come up with a solution that makes sense — and saves lives?

2. The condition of the roads. Most any trucker will tell you that the nation’s highways need serious help. For the safety of 4-wheelers and truck drivers alike, the government needs to find the money to take care of its bridges and highways.

3. Increased quality of life for truck drivers. If the guys in suits really want to solve the driver shortage problem, they could start be ensuring life on the road is comfortable for drivers. It’s 2015. No one should be driving without air conditioning.

4. Technology needs to adapt to the industry (and vice versa). There is huge potential for streamlining trucking in new apps and big data, but most truckers are wary of new technology — for good reason. That’s because it often doesn’t work. For trucking to move forward, the creators of new trucking technology need to have a better understanding of how truck drivers operate.

5. The negativity within the industry needs to go. We all know trucking is not for everyone, but the negativity that many drivers have toward other drivers is harmful for the trucking industry as a whole. Whether we like it or not, we have the power to make the highways safer (and more fun) by treating other drivers with respect.

6. Most importantly, the American public needs to respect truck drivers. The average American has no idea how much effort, skill, and sacrifice it requires from you to keep the economy running. Most truck drivers are clean, courteous professionals who are trying to support a family — and people who think otherwise need to get a clue!

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This Week in Trucking
