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New York

Back To School: 6 Bus Facts That Will Make You Glad To Share The Road


School is back in session and that means you’ll be seeing more big yellow buses on the road. That means more kids in the streets, more traffic, and more sharing the road with big buses.

Here are some unexpected school bus facts that will make you feel better about sharing the road with your fellow CDL holders.

1. Every school bus you see keeps 36 cars off the road.

2. That adds up to 17.4 million 4-wheelers that you don’t have to deal with every day.

3. School buses save $6 billion in fuel costs nationally every year — reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

4. Only 1% of student fatalities that occur during normal school hours are caused by school buses, making them the safest student transportation method available.

5. Experts estimate that school buses save the lives of 14 children in each state every year.

6. Students who ride the bus are 50 times more likely to arrive alive than if they drive themselves or ride with friends.

So pay extra attention in school zones, watch out for kids, and give bus drivers room on the road!

Knoxville Daily Sun
U.S. News & World Report
The National Coalition for School Bus Safety
American School Bus Council

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