1.8 C
New York

Cash Reward For Information About Woman Last Seen Alive At Truck Stop


The FBI is asking the trucking community for help in solving the murder of a woman last seen alive at a truck stop in Billings, Montana a year ago.

Theresa M.Dashewich was last seen on June 14, 2014 outside a Flying J truck stop in Lockwood talking to truck drivers around 5 a.m. The FBI believes that she was later seen walking away from the Flying J and towards the eastbound I-90 on ramp. The FBI believes that Dashewich spent several hours at the truck stop between June 13 and June 14.

She was wearing a gray t-shirt, navy sweatpants, white tennis shoes, and was carrying a duffel bag when she disappeared.

Her body was discovered 375 miles away on June 17, 2014 along I-90 near Kadoka, S.D. The FBI believes that she was held against her will before she was killed.

Investigators are offering a $5000 cash award for information about Dashewich.

Keloland TV

This Week in Trucking
