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Could Wearable Technology Make The Trucking Industry Safer?


According to the NHTSA, an estimated 10,000 motor vehicle accidents are caused by driver fatigue every year, leading to 1,550 deaths. Driver fatigue is a major hazard for anyone who drives, but even more so for people who drive for a living.

One of the biggest safety threats facing truck drivers is the fatigue that comes from driving for hours at a time. Safety regulations have been put in place to try to reduce the number of hours that truck drivers spend on the road ensure that they are rested enough to drive safely, but accidents still happen.

Is Wearable Technology the Sleep Solution the Trucking Industry Needs

With new advances in wearable technology, many are wondering if these devices could make for a safer working environment for truck drivers. A new wearable device called iPal uses eye tracking technology and has a driver assistance app that can detect whether a driver is experiencing drowsiness or falling asleep.

Drive More Safely With New Wearable Devices

In addition to fighting driver fatigue, some wearable devices are being specifically designed to help truck drivers. Swedish truck making company called Scania is making a watch that integrates with your truck, giving you information about your fuel levels and your average fuel usage. It also provides a Driving Support Score, which gives drivers a score based on driving behavior. Scania claims that the device will make hours on the road safer for truck drivers.

Get the Scania Watch here.

With the Apple Watch set to launch in April, experts predict that wearable technology will become increasingly prevalent. Wearable technology has the potential to prevent accidents and save lives on the road.

Consumer Electronics Association
The National Sleep Foundation
Android Headlines


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