-5.2 C
New York

Footage & Photos From A Truck Driver At The Virginia Ports


CDLLife reader, John is 16+ year veteran truck driver and an owner operator. He’s been dealing with some serious issues at the Virginia ports, and has mentioned that he’s been vocal about the intermodal industry problems in the Virginia area. Below is a video of one of John’s dealings with a safety violation at the port, as well as a video of the backed up truck traffic in the area. John has also been kind enough to share some photos from the ports with us.

[su_button url=”http://cdllife2017.wpengine.com/2015/featured/truck-drivers-suffer-through-long-waits-at-port-of-virginia/” target=”blank” style=”soft” background=”#0C5A98″ size=”7″ text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #0C5A98″]Virginia Ports: Learn More[/su_button]

“I have been very vocal especially in cases where there is injustice and people suffering. Truck drivers. My only regret is that a good friend of mine who was standing next to me happened to get dragged into what I would like to call harassment. And for that I would like to say sorry Keith. Keith was leaning over looking under his truck his hardhat fell off. We have been outside talking for some time. It’s warm out today and yes I was sweating. I merely lifted my hard hat off my head to wipe the sweat away and to itch my head the safety truck pulled up and decided to write a safety violation for not wearing our hard hats. I refused to give the safety man my identification as he claimed to be security but could produce no documentation to that effect. I asked report police to come out the safety man and very angry with me for questioning his Authority in this video is what transpired thereafter to protect myself and my friend Keith who was unjustly dragged into this. I would like to add that this officer is very professional and polite I’ve had several dealings with him in the past it is always someone that keeps a cool calm head and has common sense.” – John

“Here is some pictures of truck drivers backed up onto the highway almost a mile in each direction just so those of you who are not in the intermodal industry can understand the impact poor management has at the facilities here. We simply cannot get out the boxes anywhere between 8 to 12 hours just to pull one box out of the port.” – John

Source: John Andersen

This Week in Trucking
