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Is Mold In Your Cab A Threat To Your Health?


Spring means you won’t have to contend with icy roads or snowy streets for awhile, but warmer weather does bring its own set of risks — and one of them is mold in your cab. Warmer temperatures combined with moisture can create a breeding ground for mold, even in your truck.

How Mold Can Affect Your Health

Not only is mold unpleasant to smell, it can also have a negative impact on your health. Here are some of the symptoms you might experience if you have mold in your truck.

— Nasal Congestion

— Irritated Eyes

— Difficulty Breathing

— Skin Itching Or Irritation

— More severe reactions include fever or shortness of breath.

Researchers in Florida have found evidence that exposure to mold can cause cognitive problems like memory loss and mood swings. They also found that mold exposure can lead to fatigue, depression and sleep problems.

Mold Warning Signs

— Don’t rely on air fresheners. Air fresheners may cover up the unpleasant smells associated with mold, but this is part of the problem. If you aren’t able to smell mold, you won’t be able to tell if the problem is getting worse.

— Remember that mold might grow in your ventilation systems. An increase in mold odors when you turn on your AC is a huge warning sign.

— Keep an eye on your floor mats. Because they tend to get and stay wet, they are prime locations for a mold infestation.

— Remember that mold can hide under carpeting. Just because you don’t see mold doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

— The area under your seats is another spot that mold loves to grow. Make sure to check these areas regularly.

Steps You Can Take To Fight Mold–Before It Starts To Grow

Once you have a mold infestation, it can be hard to get rid of, so if possible, you should focus on prevention. You may even need professional (and potentially expensive) cleaning services to get rid of your mold problem.

— Clean up and dry any beverage spills immediately (especially milk). 

— Don’t keep old food in your truck. 

— Open the door and ventilate your truck every chance you get — especially if it is a sunny day. Moving air and sunlight are natural enemies of mold, so make sure that you expose the cab of your truck to as much as possible.

— Sprinkle any carpeted areas with baking soda before you vacuum. Baking soda is great for absorbing both odors and moisture. Leave it on for a couple of hours before vacuuming, if possible.

— For an easy and inexpensive moisture absorber, keep an open container of uncooked rice in your truck. 

— For very humid conditions, a wireless dehumidifier can help to control the moisture in your cab. 

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Kelly Blue Book
Bowden’s Own
Mold Blogger

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