A missing Baton Rouge, Louisiana couple was found dead at a Hammond truck stop today.
At approximately 10:15 p.m. Monday evening, Â “a concerned family member” phoned police and asked them to conduct a wellbeing check at the residence of Denis and Susan Duplantier.
When police arrived at the couple’s home, they discovered the house was open and the couple and their vehicles were missing. Police told the media there appeared to be no sign of a struggle at the residence; however, the couple’s safe was reportedly open.
Authorities used ONSTAR to track the couple’s vehicle to the Petro truck stop.
“Investigators at that point called ONSTAR about the missing vehicle and ONSTAR was able to give them a location,” Lt. Jonny Dunnam, a spokesman for BRPD, said. “That location was in Hammond. They contacted Hammond police and Hammond police went to the scene, where the vehicle was located and they have since taken over the investigation.”
Inside the vehicle, the discovered the bodies of Denis and Susan Duplantier.
In a press conference this afternoon, authorities said the couple had been strangled.
Authorities are asking the public to be on the lookout for a white 2007 Chevrolet truck with license plate number C287533.
If you have any information on this crime, you are urged to call 911 or Crime Stoppers at 225-344-7867.