By: A.H. Bosley
Space is a high priced commodity on our highways these days. Cars often slide across or bumpers leaving less than a car length between us. I have noticed that the four-wheelers are even cutting us off and slowing down without cause. I’m not sure what they are thinking, but safety surely isn’t anywhere close in mind.
I feel that non-professionals watch truckers and copy what they see.
Are you leaving space? Are you paying attention to those around you? Are you pushing your way through or are you keeping your distance, leaving enough space, and having a little patience while someone else is making a maneuver?
Get law enforcement involved when someone is playing unsafe games around your truck.Let your friends and family know how important it is to give us the space we need to operate safely.
I find that mostly drivers are just uneducated where large vehicles are concerned.
It is partially our responsibility to educate drivers.