By: Heidi O.
Recently I wrote an article on “Operation Roger” and the pet transportation organization. Recently, while visiting family in California and staying in an Inn that is extremely pet-friendly, I was informed by another guest that there is a website out there to help you to know where you can go with your pet.
BringFido is the website to check out. I have been looking into it and it has varying information in it from places that accept your pets to places that have their own travel “incentives” for your pooch to stay at their place. Sometimes things on the road cause us to be in a hotel and normally I would have called each and every place to find out if they are pet-friendly or not. Now, I will check out this resource each and every time. This website doesn’t only have accommodation information, but everything from Air Travel to Restaurants to Attractions and Events that are all pet-friendly.
I know a LOT of us on the road have a pet to keep us company (my husband and I have 3) and they are like our children. I thought this would be good information for the entire trucking community.