-1.3 C
New York

Proposed Ohio Bill Would Keep Trucks Out Of Left Lane


Ohio joins 44 other states in proposing legislation that would keep trucks over 10,000 pounds out of the left lane when there are three or more lanes.

Lawmakers claim that the proposed bill would prevent traffic slow-downs and prevent accidents. Under the proposed bill, truck drivers that that drive in the left lane could face misdemeanor charges and a fine of $100 or more.

Truck drivers would still be able to use the left lane if they were using an exit on the left side of the highway, passing an obstruction or of they were directed to do so by police or safety officials.

Representative Marilyn Slaby supports the bill because the five states surrounding Ohio have similar legislation in place, so adding a left lane law would increase continuity for drivers.

The bill failed when it was introduced in the last session, but lawmakers will have another chance on Tuesday when they present it to the Transportation Committee.

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This Week in Trucking
