Increasingly heavy traffic is costing the trucking industry an unbelievable $27 billion every year, according to a new report from the DOT.
The DOT released its National Freight Strategic Plan, which pinpointed lost trucker productivity and extra fuel use as the major sources of lost revenue for truckers battling traffic.
According to the report, the national yearly cost of road congestion for truckers and passenger vehicles is around $1 trillion — 7% of the nation’s economic output.
The report identified regular road congestion on over 20,000 miles of America’s highways.
As for a solution to the traffic problem that is sucking cash from the pockets of truckers? The report recommends “more and better” transit options, better use of information technology, and increased intermodal connectivity.
The DOT welcomes your comments and invites you to share you ideas for easing road congestion here.
DC Velocity