0.8 C
New York

Truck Crashes Into Monument Honoring Traffic Fatality Victims


A truck crashed into a half-finished monument on south Fourth Street meant to honor those killed in traffic fatalities in New York on Saturday.

Right of Way, a group of road safety activists, had put nearly 10 hours into an art installation depicting the silhouettes and names of the 264 people killed in traffic accidents in 2014 when a truck hit one of the walls. No one was injured, but some of the volunteers had to jump back to avoid being hit by the truck.

South Fourth Street is not a truck route. Witnesses say that the driver spent 30 minutes to an hour trying to extricate himself from the monument and the narrow street. After struggling to get his truck back onto the main roadway of Kent Avenue, the truck driver used the separated bike path to make his exit.

The monument was completed without further incident.


This Week in Trucking
