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Truck Driver App: Trucker Logbook- Keep Truckin


KeepTruckin gives drivers a free electronic log device that is fully editable and is FMCSA and DOT compliant. It’s not an EOBR or an ELD. It is a eLog that puts drivers in control.

If you’re looking for a logbook app, look no further than KeepTruckin!

KeepTruckin is a FREE app that tracks your HOS logs on your iPhone or iPad.

KeepTruckin is editable and FMCSA compliant.

The app will alert you hone your’e close to exceeding your allowable drive time and if you’re in violation of HOS laws.

The app’s RECAP function tells you how many hours you’ve driven in the last 7 days and how many hours you have available today and tomorrow.

In addition, the app allows you to email, fax or print your logs to anyone for FREE.

Download the app here. 

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– USA Property 70hr / 8day
– USA Property 60hr / 7day
– USA Passenger 70hr / 8day
– USA Passenger 60hr / 7day
– USA Oil and Gas 70hr / 8day
– USA Oil and Gas 60hr / 7day
– Canada South 70hr / 7day (Cycle 1)
– Canada South 120hr / 14day (Cycle 2)
– Canada South Oil and Gas
– California Property 80hr / 8day
– California Passenger 80hr / 8day
– California Oil and Gas 80hr / 8day
– Texas 70hr / 7day

– Complete your Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR)
– Take pictures of documents with your phone camera and send via email
– Connect with your carrier to share your logs automatically
– Avoid costly fines from the DOT
– Don’t wait in lines at truck stops for transflo or fax machine



The KeepTruckin app requests access to determine your location while the app is in the background. Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life. However, this is not an issue for the KeepTruckin app because it never leaves the GPS on for more than 10 seconds at a time and only enables it occasionally. The app has been tested both with and without location enabled and the difference in battery life is negligible.

This Week in Trucking
