1.5 C
New York

Truck Driver Saves Cop From Attack By Prisoner


Truck driver Clinton Blackburn is being hailed as a hero after saving a jailer transporting a prisoner from being strangled.

Blackburn was driving through central Kentucky when he noticed a sheriff’s cruiser swerve and stop. When he stopped his truck and approached the cruiser, the door swung open and Blackburn could see the officer inside being strangled by a prisoner through the safety partition.

Truck Driver Wrestles Gun Out of Inmate’s Hands

Blackburn was able to separate the officer from the prisoner, but in the struggle, the prisoner was able to grab the officer’s gun.

Even after the prisoner attempted to fire the weapon, Blackburn was able to take the gun out of his hands and helped the officer to get the prisoner back into the car.

When interviewed about the incident, Blackburn stated “I was willing to give mine to save his.”

San Francisco Gate

This Week in Trucking
