Truck drivers seeking parking along the I-95 corridor may have an easier time with help from a new website — Truck’N Park: The I-95 Commercial Truck Parking Location System.
Truck’N Park is funded by the Federal Highway Administration and run by the I-95 Corridor Coalition. According to the website, the service is “designed to provide accurate, up-to-the-minute information on available truck parking spaces at selected parking facilities along the I-95 Corridor.”
The system is currently in an experimental phase to test the technologies for identifying available truck parking. For now, the Ladysmith Safety Rest Area North in Caroline County, Virginia and the I-95 North Welcome Center in Savage, Maryland have been outfitted with in-pavement sensors to help determine how much parking is available. Depending on the success of the system at these two locations, officials will decide where and how to expand the technology.
The system officially went live on November 20. You can access the parking map to learn how many truck parking spots are available by going tot the website and clicking “Parking Map.” You can also schedule the system to call you as truck parking changes at the locations. The “Parking Search” page allows you to search parking areas by preferred amenities or locations.
Find out more about Truck’N Park by visiting their website: You can also call 855-875-7275 to access the system.