-7.9 C
New York

Trucker Rescues Crumpled American Flag From Side Of Road


A truck driver is being hailed as a patriot after seeing an American flag crumpled on the side of the highway and turning around to rescue it.

Driver Jake Gridley was headed west on I-80 through Omaha when he spotted the flag. He said that the sight caused an emotional reaction — that it broke his heart. “It was just like a man-down, like I got to go back, I got to go get it,” he said.

Gridley turned his 18 wheeler around and went back for the flag — and his action has gone viral. His Facebook post about the incident has been shared over 70,000 times. Gridley says that dozens of people have contacted him to thank him and they have even offered to buy him a meal or to give him a place to stay.

Gridley is still trying to decide what to do with the flag, but for now, it is riding shotgun with him on his truck.

I think it is so moving to see someone who is willing to show the flag the respect it deserves.

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This Week in Trucking
