-5.2 C
New York

Trucker Writes Own HOS Rules, FMCSA Denies Them


The FMCSA has denied an HOS rules exemption request from Washington state trucker who says that the current regulations force him to drive while sleepy.

David Muresan, who drove for CRST at the time of the request, said that he’d be able to drive more safely if he was able to decide when he needed to rest, so he requested that he be exempt from the HOS rules and proposed an alternate set of rules that he said could ensure equivalent safety.

Muresan’s plan stated that he should be allowed to “operate at any time that he has accumulated 10 hours off duty by any number of breaks of any length he chooses. Mr. Muresan also proposes that 24 consecutive hours at his residence would permit him to return to ‘‘reset’’ his driving ‘‘clock.’’

The FMCSA denied the request for exemption, stating that individuals are not always good at judging their own fatigue levels. They also said that Muresan did not provide evidence that his plan would provide equivalent levels of road safety.

[su_document url=”http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-06-24/pdf/2015-15514.pdf” width=”700″]


This Week in Trucking
